Tuesday, March 27, 2007

101 in 1001

here's my list. it was a lot of fun to create- & it'll be a fun challenge to check some of them off!

1. learn how to deal healthily with my super hyper dog
2. turn my t.v off and my stereo on
3. read 6 books; 3 personal & 3 for my business
4. write a letter or send a package to a different friend every week for 2 months
5. make the mixed media piece about my grandparents
6. make the multimedia piece of my grandmother
7. go on a fun date with bryan three times a month
8. dogs to the dog park twice a week
9. start a blog and make a post 3 times a week for three months
10. get involved in some environmental cause
11. take a picture everyday for 3 months
12. go hiking at least once a month
13. ride my bike 10 miles a week for 3 months
14. set up shootq account -done! april 8th
15. make anniversary cards to send to clients
16. finish my website -done! may 14
17. make a personal photography website with my art & jewelry
18. apply & be accepted to WPJA -done! june 13
19. go to 3 concerts -done! july 18 swell season, coldplay, allison kraus, qwens stefani
20. make it to 3 states I’ve not yet visited -done! on July 19th: Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan
21. visit with my best friend sarah- once a year -done! june 22nd-28th
22. advertise & shoot a wedding in georgia -scheduled! july 26th. vermont -scheduled! october 4th & oregon & new york -done! june 23rd doug & molly
23. go to WPPI or a LaCour photo seminar -done! march 14th-21st Vegas baby
24. learn some cool tricks in photoshop & showit effects
25. shoot at least 5 portrait sessions a month for 5 months
26. let my hair grow to the middle of my back
27. update website once a month for a year.
28. design & order business cards –done! june 14th
29. hire an accountant -done! january 21st
30. shoot 20- 25 weddings a year
31. save $5,000 this year with no intention of spending it
32. pay off student loans
33. buy a hybrid car
34. ride my bike to the grocery store & use canvas bags at least once a month
35. collect 10 more photo books this year (working on: 5 new books- thanks theresa for adding to the collection!)
36. send birthday cards to closest friends and family
37. buy fresh flowers for myself once a week for 3 months
38. buy a new couch
39. make larger than 8 x 10 prints of my personal photography
40. collect 3 pieces of art &/or photography from those that I admire
41. hmmmmm.......
42. buy some side walk chalk and doodle
43. keep a garden of cacti since flowers are so hard to keep alive –done! june 5th
44. collect arcosonti chimes & plant hangers for the back yard –done! mar 16
45. visit ted & sarah in boulder -done! may 4th-10th
46. work on my portraiture skills; go to a workshop
47. replace cameras with canon 5d's or greater
48. visit john, deshawn & qwyn -done! july 4th-6th. our original trip fell through so we rearranged & met in nashville.
49. visit theresa & jeff in d.c. before their around the world trip -done! june 4th-6th
50. hike havasu falls -done! june 7th-9th
51. go home to ky at least 3 times a year -done! 5x last year.
52. take a fun trip with my sister & mom once a year
53. visit a small town and hang out for the day shooting a photo story
54. build another bookshelf & fill it with great books & pottery
55. talk with my brother at least twice a month
56. journal for at least one hour a week
57. light candles more often: use less electricity
58. visit my sister & jeff, carson & maria in nyc -done! june 6th-11th
59. finish paying off the painting of my grandparents -done! jan 11th
60. get a massage after each wedding this year.
61. sponsor a child at NPH
62. have my Honduras show shown in a gallery twice a year (working on: cartel coffee is hosting the show march 28th!)
63. be published in a magazine
64. make a blog for my family to keep in touch with -done! june 14th
65. breathe deeper. practice meditating once a week for 3 months.
66. laugh often, go to 3 comedy shows
67. take one nap a week
68. organize studio.
69. order 4 new albums for studio
70. appreciate my mentors in life
71. be a mentor to someone
72. learn to throw a flick in ultimate Frisbee -done! june 1st well, it's pretty accurate :)
73. exercise twice a week for 2 months.
74. make bigger cups and bowls in my ceramics class –done! may 16th
75. buy another desk for my studio & always have my beads set up
76. learn to eat healthier- three popsicles a day is not good! -done! july 8th hired a personal trainer/nutritionist
77. spend a day with a famous musician (hopefully ani difranco) laughing and taking pictures
78. get my art & jewelry in boutiques/ galleries –done! april 25th
79. visit Athens, Georgia and say good bye properly to such a cool city
80. visit Greece or Cuba -done! cuba feb 11th-18th
81. visit Silver Bay once a year -done! june 24th-july 6th
82. hike mt humphrey’s again- to the top not just the saddle
83. visit anteloupe canyon and moab
84. learn to use my sewing machine properly & make that quilt
85. learn to make 5 dishes that any guest would enjoy (working on: chili, eggplant rollatini)
86. learn to make homemade pear jelly
87. go on one trip with my aunt Barbara
88. buy a new lap top, with all the bells & whistles -done! april 17th
89. go sky diving
90. always speak the truth
91. second shoot with 3 new photographers (working on: jenn schlechler, jonathan kirshner, kim jarman) -done! june 14th
92. volunteer with aids patients
93. get back into free arts of Arizona, and finish the program
94. recycle more
95. go through closet once a month and unload at least three things
96. simplify: buy less stuff. need less stuff
97. enter some photos into a competition -done! wpja q3 contest 1st place & q4 contest 7th place & 33rd place overall within wpja!!!
98. order 3 canvas wraps for studio
100. frame 2 pieces of art work from college
101. appreciate how lucky I am


  1. I have a #102. Get your butt to DC to visit me.

  2. I love the blog! Your list is admirable, it is something that everyone should do.

    Happy Monday!

  3. I wish I could do #32. Maybe someday, but probably not soon. #33 should also be on my list. Let me know when you complete #86. Sounds yummy!! Check out mine!

