Tuesday, January 20, 2009

proudest day of my life...

i say that knowing my soon-to-be-born child hasn't scored the winning soccer goal or won the national spelling bee... BUT, so far this is the proudest day of my life.

I am proud, oh so proud, of what this day represents.

Thank you Mr. President Obama for being who you are, standing for what you stand for & giving me this overwhelming feeling that has been so distant for 8 years. HOPE. freaken hope, who knew it would feel this good. i was driving to the gallery this morning while the vice president & president were sworn in & i balled while listening to it on npr. tears. intense tears of happiness.

at last, you are my president. at last you are mine. at last i am proud to say that!

i hope you have a wonderful day, night & next four years :)


  1. I am right there with you. I posted on my blog about today http://luannw.blogspot.com/
    I can't wait to see the change!

  2. i, too, listened on NPR and cried while in my car in the parking garage at work. Glad I shared that moment with someone :)
