Sunday, March 17, 2013

a family : phoenix family photographer

i've known this family for several years now. they're dear friends.  daddy is a photographer as well, so the pressure was on when they asked me to do a session! they thought now would be a time because baby girl is almost 2 years old & doing so well; she can talk with almost full sentences, sign & draw. she also has one of the greatest personalities, so smiley & happy, you'll see.

we met up at a neighborhood park & played for a bit! here are my favorites.
tickle monster :)
happy, happy girl.
daddy smooches.
i asked her to tackle them... she looked back to make sure she was doing it right! so cute.
love this family hug.
possibly my favorite.
some of just mama & daddy.
the beautiful mama.
that's one proud papa.
& one very charismatic lil girl!
my other favorite. love this one so much.

                                        of course this child listens & dances to gangnum style.
yummy light
thank you for letting me capture your family at this sweet, sweet time!


  1. Megan, these are even more amazing than I could have ever expected! You are a wonderful friend and a super-ridiculously talented photographer. You know us well and these totally represent us on our best days. You've captured Amaya's jubilant spirit so perfectly. :) Thank you SO MUCH!!!

  2. Absolutely gorgeous photos! I am a friend of the family and you captured their spirit beauty and spunk perfectly- Bravo!

  3. My youngest child and my only grandchild.
    Just perfect!

    Thank you,

    Papa DeLisle
