i don't think i quite grasped how much these two loved each other- or understood the magnitude in which they are in love. i knew justin was head over heels for jane since the second he laid eyes on her but it was OBVIOUS how true that original feeling was when his eyes welled with tears as she walked down the aisle & again as he read his incredibly sweet vows.
jane you were beautiful & the perfect bride. you had all of us giggling when you should have been stressed out or nervous.
here are a few of my favorites.

the dress was simple & elegant.

i love this one.

justin's cute niece's wearing the garters.

this was jane all day. being hilarious and truly enjoying her wedding day.

the flowers were amazing. AMAZING.

see those tears i was talking about.

jane sends em right back at him!

oh vey... the wet eyes in this place!

the handsome men.

the lovely ladies.

something about this one. i likes.

& now for some cute portraits. we lost light pretty quickly but still managed to get some great shots.

absolute favorite. jane... smoking.

loved this detail.

the reception was beautiful.

toastin it up!

jane's nephew & sister n law... :)

in love.

thank you for letting me share in your day.
slide show coming soon :)
Beautiful. I love Jane's little veil. I agree there is something very special about the one of her walking among the big prickly cacti