so i stay the night with the soon to be newlyweds -i introduced them to weeds- my favorite show, we drank a few beers, & stayed up late, laughing & catching up. i can't wait for this weekend... it's going to be great!
then i took off this morning for springfield- i'd driven about an hour before justin- called to see if i was almost there- he finds out i'm on 44w when i should be on 55n. doh- so my hour-n-15 min drive turned into a little over 3 :) it's a very unique landscape (lots of cornfields) so i didn't mind too much. plus i miss my east coast road trips- cities are so much closer over here so i jumped in my car more often to visit friends, unlike now which requires a plane ticket cross country.
i got to have dinner with shannon & jonathan kirshner, two amazing newspaper/wedding photojournalist: lovelight photography -whom i have always looked up to... my entire photo career. so sweet & talented! in the morning we'll meet up with justin & have some yummy breakfast before i head back to st.louis to do the purty bridesmaid thang! i love meeting up with kids from wku- we have such a special bond that the photo program at western creates- if you are an aspiring photographer you should check out their program or at least their workshops-
i wanted to post a picture i took from the plane ride here- it was so gray & overcast but beautiful. we don't get many gray days & sometimes you miss them.
i'll be posting pictures from hannah & tom's awesome wedding monday probably- sorry it's taking me so long! & then i'll post some pics of the beautiful sara & her soon to be husband john shortly after that.