Thursday, March 19, 2009

we got some big environmental days a coming!

world water day is this sunday! i hope you'll commit by then (if you don't already) to using a nalgene or klean kanteen instead of buying disposable water bottles. it's down right silly to keep buying those things... it's going to save you so much money & it's way better for the environment. has some of their bottles on sale for 60% off... so get on over there!

if you send me an email with a picture of you & your reusable bottle i'll give you 10% off your next portrait session!

here's to our environment :)

& then... next saturday is earth hour.

Turn Out. Take Action.

March 28, 2009

"with more than 1,800 cities already on board, Earth Hour is set to be the biggest public event of its kind in history. In the U.S., 140 cities, towns and communities have now pledged to "turn out" for the largest climate event ever, with more signing up each day. A complete list of U.S. cities can be found at: Time is running out, but it's not too late to sign up your community or school. Visit for all the details. "

here is a quick video... i cried. it's pretty impressive what we as a people can do.

i think we'll be laying it low at home, lights out of course- maybe sitting on our patio in candle light enjoying this weather. (i had the dates originally mixed up in my head... so we will not be at dave & buster's that was last weekend :)

what will you be doing? email me & let me know how you plan to support it!


  1. This is SO EXCITING!! I had not heard but I am going to be in Vegas this weekend and it is a flagship city with the entire strip going black for an hour. I will try to get some photos. What a great movement.

    GO WORLD!!

  2. It was very weird seeing the strip dark with just construction lights.

    I have to agree with you about water bottles it just makes me cringe when people use plastic disposable bottles. Why are you throwing your money away along with our enviromment.
