what an amazing wedding.
i want to do it all over again but this time i want to be a fly on the wall so i can just watch it's amazingness unfold. i felt like a chicken with it's head cut off. the stress of the maid of honor's speech was looming over my head the entire day & wanting to do a kick ass job on the photography was a new pressure. i usually don't stress taking pictures. i know that every wedding day is full of amazing opportunities for fantastic pictures. and i'm good at seeing them. but that day it was for my little sister & that was heavy!!!
my good friend, shawn poynter, helped with the photography. who am i kidding? i helped him! he did such a great job & i can not wait to see what he captured. it was odd doing both jobs. i feel like as i show you these pictures there are so many holes & there are because i was doing the things instead of taking pictures of someone else doing them!
but for now, i hope you'll enjoy a few of my favorites.
her dress was amazing. it fit her perfectly. not too much frill or frickle. but sexy & unique.

the beautiful bride. she drank several sprites that morning but was in good spirits despite her lil tummy being upset!

steph's bestfriend, steph p, mama & jaclyn learning how to put the hairpiece in. which my good friend jill & i made :)

here's their first glance. steph cracked me up... she walked over to him but stood at a distance & did a little curtsy "like here i am, look at me!" & i love jeff's expression. (here's a little view of the hair piece!)

this awesome mural was right outside our hotel & jeff loves music so i was like "um get your butts over there."

i think my mom took this one! she may have cut some people off, but i'm sure shawn has an awesome photograph from this.

steph is awesome with details. this venue was awesome with details. so the whole thing was awesome. jeff also loves hatch show print. a really cool print making studio that's been around since something like 1920. and happens to be in nashville tn. as luck would have it i happen to be very good friends with one of their head print makers. so i got them in touch with each other & they designed this awesome poster that you see in the middle to be the party favors. they also had them printed on beer cozy's because that's also one of jeff's things. so, to brad- you're amazing. thank you so much for everything!

the flower's were so cool. and steph accented the table with cotton bouquets to match our bouquets!

she requested pictures from a few couples that were important to them to have on display. bryan was not happy that i gave them one of us smooching! tehee.

& now onto the portraits. my favorite. here's my beautiful sister. i love this one.

with her handsome man.

i absolutely love this one that shawn grabbed. finn was a stud muffin! he had that awesome linen suit on & steph bought him a bow tie to match my dress. g'lord he was knocking the ladies over :)

the siblings :)

& now more of the two of them together. the grounds here were awesome. i wish we had like 5 more hours to take pictures.


my dad's parents have this great picture of them looking out from the back of their get-away car on their wedding day. so we really wanted to remake the photo with steph & jeff.

my absolute favorite. i love the way they are looking at each other. seriously. you guys are great together.

stephani being the non-tradionalist wanted to walk down the aisle by herself & have jeff meet her halfway. they wanted to start this journey together. kinda cool. i love everyone's expressions in this photo. look at my mom :)

it was very important to steph & jeff that they get a blessing from their parents. really great moment.

& then if you hadn't noticed there is a bit of a height difference between these two. we schemed a long time ago about having a stool for her to stand on. so when jeff's brother n law said it's time to kiss the bride steph said "one second." bryan brought her a stool & helped her up. i LOVE jeff's expression, like what the hell? no one knew about it, so the whole audience got a kick out of it.

we took a huge group photo!

& then i put my camera down. i had to give a speech & enjoy the reception. which i did in full force. the speeches were great. the dj was way too much fun. & their friends & family made it one hell of a party.
there are lots more amazing photos to come. we've got photobooth ridiculousness. shawn's kazillion killer images. i can't wait. i will let you know as soon as they're available!
to steph & jeff. thank you for letting us all share in your amazing day. it was breathtaking.
several people wanted to see a photo of the quilt that i made them.
i had brad print the poster design on a tshirt for me. i also tracked down the dress that she was wearing at doug & molly's wedding (the night they first were um, attracted to each other, tehee.) & used those two items as the center piece.
( i hired a private quilting instructor to help me since i had no idea what i was doing, just a desire to make it)

the next step was finding cool pieces of fabric to piece together. i knew steph wouldn't want a typical square quilt so we had some fun with it.

jeff's sister, kristi, sent me a couple silver bay t-shirts to include & doug, jeff's brother, got me a penn state t-shirt. mom sent me a kentucky shirt & then i had all the important pieces. their pasts coming together to create an awesome future.
& here is the final product! it was supposed to be a lap quilt but ended up being 4 inches short of a king. man am i bad with math!!!

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