I've been checking out your photos on your photography website and your blog site, and they are soooo beautiful! I'm so impressed with how creative you are, and what a knack you have for capturing a moment.
I don't know if Sarah ever mentioned it to you, but the gorgeous pictures you took at my and Tim's wedding inspired me. I began playing with some of the photos after the wedding & then I found that I was really having fun with it, and started wondering how you were able to get such great images of our day. I went out and bought a point and shoot digital camera, and then really started to get into taking pictures, too. My mother-in-law has been into photography for years, so developing this hobby has been a great way to bond with her. We've since taken a digital photography class together, and now I'm shooting with a 40D and loving it! Now I can't wait to invest in some quality lenses!
thanks crystal for the super sweet note.
I have to comment on this one, too, Meg. You are truly gifted. You have this really uncanny knack for catching the spirit of the moment. I can only tell you that I am thrilled that you are shooting our day. I can't wait. Each time I check your site (often!) I see more beautiful moments than I could ever imagine. You've found your niche, kiddo! I'm just grateful we found you:-)