so. the next 5 days i spent with four fabulous women:
ms. carissa, ms. darcy, ms. himali, me & ms. ashley.
ashley, carissa & himali are friends of ours from oklahoma. darcy is a friend of ashley's
from duke nursing school. we had such an awesome time exploring aspen, snowmass
& grand junction. if we weren't hiking we were driving to a hike! we even snow shoed!
which is ridiculous. we saw wilco & made some amazing meals. aw. it was hard to
so. here are some pics from the trip. *warning* there are a lot of pictures.
before we started. so naive :)
it was a beautiful view for sure.
this flat part wasn't so bad!
we had a chance for rain but the skies were looking good.
it was warm enough that the snow was melting which made for some dangerous
conditions. we were constantly reminding ourselves to plant our foot, because we
slipped a lot.
aw a heart. this was how we were able to follow the trail so easily -people had
carved their names along all the trees.
our gourmet meal which was honestly the yummiest thing ever.
we woke up to a beautiful view of snow fall. our clothes that we'd hung out to dry were
stiff as boards. opps.
ash & i.
we made it down safely & so much faster than we expected. then it was back to the condo
for quick showers because we were on our way to grand junction for the wilco concert.
we set up camp & then headed into town where we ate quickly at the brewery before
hand & i had the most amazing calzone. then onto the concert which was a lot of fun.
wilco is a very chill band.
rise & shine.
i spent about 10 minutes chilling out with this view.
the cliff below.
purty flowers.
i love my keen shoes.
carissa lead us in yoga. it was so relaxing. we've decided to
take a week long yoga trip for our 30th bday celebration!
colorado has so many gorgeous faces.
ashley's dad has these awesome glasses that tint everything yellow! so funky.
there were catepillars everywhere!
did you know that caterpillars start in a cocoon like thing??? i'd never seen anything
like this- it was bizare!
& then it was back to aspen. a beautiful but way pricey town.
after walking around we got the disc out & threw for a bit. did i mention these girls
were friends of bryan's from his days of intense college ultimate frisbee?
ashley dove into the snow while catching a frisbee it was awesome!!
& then we did one more hike to end the trip. hanging lake, i think was the name of it.
It was pretty difficult but be-uuuu-tiful. i found this log that looked like a wolf.
the water was so green & clean.
purty birdee.
a marmot. i had no idea what this was, but carissa said that's what they were.
there were 2 of them & they were having a blast wrestling.
yet another beautiful view.
i had such an amazing time. thank you ladies for making it one of my most favorite weeks