Wednesday, July 2, 2008


atlanta was great. sarah's house is awesome. barb, don were wonderful hosts & now after a few days of catch-up back in phoenix i am at the airport on my way to nashville. i'm very excited for the wedding this weekend & to visit with some of my friends from college. almost all the kids i hung out with in ceramics have made their way to nashvegas & i finally get to visit them!

so check back soon because i'll be posting lots of pictures including a wedding i shot with kevin king!

1 comment:

  1. Your work is looking great, Megan. I haven't been able to stalk as much because they blocked the entire Blogger domain at work (where I spend all of my time on a computer). But I'm trying to keep up.

    I decided to "tag" you... so, uh, TAG! you're it. See what it means by checking out my blog.
